
CFOs are in a unique position to redefine leadership in business and finance; they are critical change agents within their businesses and are a critical bridge to the investment community and the financial markets.

WBCSD’s 首席财务官网络 helps CFOs:

  1. 塑造对话 and the landscape around changing expectations and drivers of performance.
  2. 与投资者合作 改变系统.
  3. Gain access to the tools and resources needed to make stakeholder capitalism a reality.


世界各地, corporate sustainability performance is top of mind for investors and consumers alike. 同时, global financial reporting standard-setters are quickly paving the way towards alignment of sustainability disclosure frameworks, with new regulatory requirements for ESG and climate disclosure on the horizon. Business is entering a next phase of ESG transparency and accountability, for which leading companies need to prepare now.


As a bridge between the corporate world and the capital markets, CFOs are uniquely positioned to set the agenda and trajectory of these market transformations as they begin to take shape.  同时, they are critical change agents within their companies with capacity to implement critical changes across risk management, governance and performance – eager for the tools and resources to adapt and thrive.


Members of WBCSD’s 首席财务官网络 are coming together to redesign financial system architecture, revolutionize capital market engagement and build out key elements of business practice towards to all aspects of sustainability.

WBCSD Implementation Guidance ISSB Standards and ESRS

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