Business action to unlock the potential of African farmers – WBCSD’s takeaways from the AGRF Summit 2023

Published: 14 Sep 2023
Author: Emeline Fellus,农业总监 & Food
Type: Insight

非洲的粮食系统正面临前所未有的挑战 比如气候变化, geopolitical instability and rising food prices following the impacts of COVID-19 and the Ukraine war. These challenges are aggravated by currency depreciation against the US dollar and difficult access to agricultural inputs within the continent.

尽管面临这些严峻挑战, 非洲是一个充满未开发机会的大陆: it has the potential to feed itself and contribute to feeding the global population while contributing positively to our planet. This, however, requires tackling several core structural and socio-economic challenges. First, we must empower smallholder farmers to achieve their full potential and mobilize public and private investments to create more resilient supply chains. 同时, we must scale up agricultural practices that improve food production while benefiting farmer livelihoods and being regenerative.

This year, 非洲粮食系统论坛(AGRF) 在达累斯萨拉姆举行, 坦桑尼亚(9月5日至8日),主题为“恢复”, Regenerate, 行动:非洲粮食系统转型的解决方案." More than 5400 delegates were mobilized to align on the required solutions to scale investments in Africa’s food systems, 包括国家元首, ministers, private sector, farmers, academia, 非政府组织和青年代表.

During the AGRF summit, WBCSD co-hosted a session – in partnership with the 非洲绿色革命联盟 (AGRA) – on 非洲可持续采购 为农产品企业更好地助力中小企业市场准入提供工具, strengthen business relationships with SME suppliers and address the structural bottlenecks preventing sustainable business development at the regional level. Leveraging procurement and sourcing practices to improve farmer incomes and livelihoods represents a critical lever to reduce supply risks, 建立有弹性的价值链,实现公司的ESG目标.

Identifying 融资机制 customized to the specific needs and crop cycles of local farmers emerged as a crucial strategy during this event. This approach has the potential to unleash the capabilities of African farmers, transforming them from subsistence agriculture practitioners into thriving and sustainable agricultural entrepreneurs. WBCSD和AGRA都承认金融是变革的催化剂, particularly in aiding farmers as they shift towards 再生农业 practices. As such, both organizations will maintain their commitment to addressing this area. Additionally, the event highlighted the importance of capacity building as another key initiative. Empowering farmers with the knowledge and skills to improve their farming practices in a sustainable manner not only enhances their resilience but also increases their income prospects.

Sourcing and investing in Africa continues to be a huge and under-tapped opportunity. Let’s work harder to catalyze sustainable business and recognize Africa’s role in the global supply chain. Africa food and agribusiness leaders are not just producers; they are innovators, 全球市场的投资者和倡导者. 让我们充分利用这些伙伴关系.Vanessa Adams, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Chief of Party at AGRA

WBCSD曾与成员就包容性采购进行合作 加强供应商力量,形成公平的粮食体系, 关注妇女赋权, 创新融资机制, 与供应商的有效沟通, 能力建设. 在我们目前的策略中,WBCSD的 公平的生活 team is working with over 20 member companies engaged in a diverse range of agricultural value chains to promote responsible and sustainable corporate procurement practices to guarantee farmers a living income. This project aims to accelerate business action to close farming households’ living income gaps, 从而减少贫困, promoting better livelihoods and reducing vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity. The project builds on our earlier work from our Healthy and 可持续的饮食 agenda on 食物的负担能力.

在AGRF峰会期间, WBCSD also co-organized a side event focusing on how the private sector can help increase food & 营养安全 through sustainable intensification of local food production and economic empowerment of smallholders. 在本届会议期间,我们听到了各种倡议 OCP Africa, 加拿大肥料, Rabobank and NMB bank are spearheading to support African smallholder farmers through capacity building, 数字化和普惠金融.   WBCSD的特别食物 & Nutrition Security Taskforce will use insights from this session to develop its final recommendations for the November 理事会会议. 我们也将继续支持联合国的努力 私营部门零饥饿承诺 在全球层面推动对粮食和营养安全的进一步影响.  

AGRF峰会之后, we are continuing to mobilize the private sector for food system transformation in the lead up to regional events such as WAFI (11月2日至4日,中国北京)以及全球活动,如 COP28 (11月30日至12月12日,阿联酋迪拜). At COP28, there will be a unique and formal opportunity to discuss how the agricultural sector can contribute to achieving global as well as national climate goals. 议程的首要议题将是 再生农业,由我们定义 OP2B project as an outcome-based farming approach that generates agricultural products while improving soil health, biodiversity, climate, 水资源和支持农民生计.

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